Friday Roundup
Friday, August 19, 2016
Happy Friday! It's a hot one here in Seattle so I'll be trying to keep Fiona and I cool and enjoy the warm summer evenings. What are you up to this weekend?
Here are some links to kick us off:
Very cool apartment.
Fall hair inspiration.
Can't wait for this movie.
National parks for people who don't camp. :)
This looks like something delicious that Jenny would make. BURATTA.
Food for thought and made me laugh.
Inspiration from Rio.
Are you going to read this new book?
Until next week!
Back to School: Awesome Lunchbox!
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Mylo is starting preschool for the first time in September (YESSS!!!) and he gets to bring his own little lunchbox everyday to eat with his new friends. I did some research and found a super cool YumBox lunchbox for him that he got to try out at summer camp. The box has a pre-portioned illustrated tray that has protein, vegetable, fruit, grain, and dairy spaces to make packing a lunch easy and nutritious. I want one for myself!
I don't know about you but I am so ready for fall, back to school (and work!), and back to routines. I'll try to soak up these next few weeks but secretly I'm counting down the days.
What do you read when you travel?
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
When I travel somewhere, I have a habit of reading a book that's set in that location. I think I got into this in college when I studied abroad in Cape Town. Our whole curriculum was based on reading about South Africa and it's history. It was crazy to me to step inside of Nelson Mandela's prison cell after reading his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom and to try and fathom what living there for decades would have been like.
Since then, I've read:
Out of Africa while on safari in Kenya which helped me to better appreciate the beautiful landscapes I was traveling through.
Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children while traveling in India, which made me think more about the people I was meeting and their stories. Photo above is me in India :)
First they Killed My Father in Cambodia, a beautiful memoir, that gave me a greater understanding of the country's sad, fairly recent, history from a more personal perspective.
I'm not the only one who does this, Amy Schumer's been reading James Michener's Hawaii while shooting there. And that's exactly what I was reading on the long flight to Hawaii for work earlier this month!
Lest you think I only read books that you might find on a 10th grade summer reading list, I enjoyed a variety of Liane Moriaty books, mostly set in and around Sydney, while traveling in Australia. I'd suggest any of her books as a good vacation read, whether you're Down Under or not!
I did make one terrible mistake though. I attempted to read Déjà Dead while I was traveling by myself in Montreal last summer. It's about a serial killer who preys on women who are alone in Montreal.
Great idea Jenny.
I spent my last day there convinced I was being followed and chose to order room service instead of venturing even as far as the hotel lobby for dinner. Photo above is me pretending to be scared, ironically, just before I sat down for a long lunch where I read and freaked myself out for real :)
PS. You don't have to travel to do this! No matter where you live, there's probably a book or two set there. My favorite Seattle books coming next week!
Fiona Maeve: Months One and Two
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Well...I guess the old cliche is true that it's not as easy to document the second kid as the first. But better late than never right? (Is that my new motto? Ugh.) Here are Fiona's one and two month pictures.
She is SUCH a sweet and easy little baby, I am so enjoying being her mom. She started smiling around 5-6 weeks and is such a little ham now for the camera. She loves being outside, being in the wrap on mommy, sleeping, watching her big brother, and cuddling. I can take her almost anywhere and we have had a great summer going on family nature walks, playing at the beach, hanging with friends and traveling around the Pacific Northwest. She even went on her first boat ride at Priest Lake! She is cooing and trying to make words and sounds already, we'll see if she is a big talker like her brother. :)
She isn't a great nurser but we are working hard (pumping a lot and trying to make nursing fun again) and she's in the 50th percentile for weight which is a big accomplishment. She's a tall girl in the 88th percentile for height.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Have you been watching the Olympics? I've been traveling so this time around, viewing the Olympics has been a bit different from the usual of watching NBC's primetime coverage. I've been getting most of my content from the web! Here's what I've been into so far:
Surprisingly, Snapchat has had great coverage!
The Olympic Refugee Team! And this amazing story.
I've always loved watching the opening ceremonies and critiquing each countries' outfits with friends. Sad I missed out on that this year, but thankfully this article does a pretty good job of breaking down the best and the worst AND they do it with similar comparisons that I would have used, including some Harry Potter references!
Who finds synchronized diving mesmerizing?
Great piece about the US Women's Gymnastics Team...
Guess their sport (I only got two right!)
@TaraandJohnny are killing it on Instagram
Finally, I cannot stop watching this video of an Olympic gymnastic routine from the 70's!
Image @USAGym
Watch This: Stranger Things
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
If you haven't checked out Netflix's new original series "Stranger Things" yet. You really must! Without giving any of the plot away, here are a few reasons I'm loving it:
It's set in the 80's and the attention to detail is fabulous, from Trapper Keepers to the wardrobe and hair, they nailed it. The show does a great job of channeling E.T. and The Goonies with a little bit of a John Hughes movie thrown in for good measure.
It features great music! Who doesn't love a good make out scene set to Toto's "Africa"?
The suspense! I'm half way through the first season, and I have no idea what's going to happen next.
Oh and there's so much more to love, I just don't want to give anything away! Check it out!
Image via Netflix
Monday, August 1, 2016
A few weeks back, Teresa had me take some photos of Fiona. This is what we were going for...
But then there was Mylo. The energetic older brother.
But then there was Mylo. The energetic older brother.
Really, he just wanted to be involved. And he is so sweet with his little sister!
So somehow, this is what we ended up with. I like to call it the burrito photo shoot. Some of my best work I'm pretty sure.
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