Friday Roundup's been a busy few months. We have so many things to share and so many things to post and I promise, fun things are coming! But after getting the new design up, all I really wanted to do, was get back to normal and do a Friday Roundup.

As always, you'll find a wide variety of things I found interesting, entertaining, and informative this week. I mean, how many blog posts out there include links to the cutest beanie for babies as well as Op-Ed's on refugees? It's all about balance in life.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Teresa and I are going to a Friendsgiving hosted by some of our dearest friends and former college roommates. This month more than ever, it seems like a good time to be thankful for loved ones.

Beautiful engagement session with an Amish couple

I thought this was a refreshing take on HIV in regards to media coverage this week.

The cutest beanie, as mentioned above :)

Leo's lookalike

I keep trying to pull this look off...someday.

Drink more champagne! 

Have you started your Christmas shopping? These elegant, yet perfect for every day, fair-trade earnings are on my list :) More great present ideas to come, as I'll be doing a fair-trade gift guide next week!

Great article from Nick Kristof on refugees.

Also, the first Syrian refugees to arrive in Seattle. (Our friend's brother was there to greet them!)


  1. Oh my gosh, that article about Syrian refugees arriving in Seattle! I am so proud to be from that city! Warms my heart.

    1. Me too! I read it twice and cried both times. Jay Inslee, WA's governor is killing it right now, he has an Op-Ed in the NY Times and the Washington Post did a great article on him as well.
