Friday Roundup

It definitely feels like autumn around here. I'm cozied up inside fighting a cold and a crazy storm is raging throughout the Pacific Northwest. I'm pretty sure my street looks like the above photo at this point. I'm planning on doing some reading and eating lots of soup this weekend.

It seems like all corners of the internet are filled with politics, and it's hard to find much else. I really appreciated Michelle Obama this week, she managed to so eloquently say many of the things that I've been feeling. Beyond that, this roundup will 100% free of politics! Just happy things here!

This has been my breakfast all week, which fits well, since it's #worldeggday

These just arrived, among a few other things, thanks crazy Shopbop sale! (still on until midnight!)

Hilarious little blurb from Maurice Sendak on fan mail.

Desserts from around the world...yum!

Elephant + Ostrich = Friends Forever

Who else loved Teen Witch?

The Rockettes are amazing. 

Have you seen the Museum of Selfies?

I want to DIY this for our studio!

If you like photography: "Elliott Erwitt's Visual One-Liners" 

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