
I ordered a bike and it arrives today! I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve.  I'm planning on working from my living room all day so I can stare out the window eagerly awaiting the impending delivery.

I've thought about getting a bike for years. It's actually really silly that I don't have one. We live in a perfect area of Seattle for biking. Everything I could ever need is within biking distance of my house and here I am driving everywhere. After a short ride to Green Lake on Sunday, probably the first time I was on a bike in at least five years, I pulled the trigger. I went with this Critical Cycles Dutch Style in cream. I'm excited to pick out some fun accessories. A basket for groceries, etc. 

Are any of you bikers out there? I'm looking for recommendations for where to get a cute helmet! Also a safe one, my dad would want me to have a very safe one. 


  1. Go for the invisible bike helmet:

  2. Love your bike!! I so want one of those cute bikes, I have a mountain bike but I guess it does the job.
