I Like to Move It, Move It

Fun fact: I haven't lived in the same house/apt/dwelling for more than 15 months in the past 10 years. Actually, I can't decide if that's fun or not. I really have loved seeing new places, living with all sorts of people and enjoying a change of season every so often. However, contrary to the lame title of this post, no one, and I mean no one, actually likes moving. 

Patrick and I get the keys to our new little bungalow this weekend and I have to say I'm really looking forward to settling in and hopefully breaking my 15 month record. But in the meantime I've got moving on the brain. Boxes, tape, packing, unpacking. Moving is just a lot of work and requires organization and planning, even if you don't have much stuff like us.

This move does seem different though, our tiny bungalow feels more like a home than some of our past apartments and I'm excited to put our own touch in it and snuggle in for the winter. Once we get settled I'll post a few photos on here of our new space. 

Any tips out there for making a move go smoothly?

PS. Moving Checklist8 Tips to Trim Moving Costs, & Moving 101

(photo via)

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