Friday Roundup
Friday, December 19, 2014
It's been a busy week- I finally got the (mini) tree up and made 100 chocolate covered cherries, on top of the normal hustle and bustle of work and Christmas. Wednesday we hopped on a plane to New Orleans. Thursday was spent driving from New Orleans to Jackson, Mississippi- with a slight unexpected detour through Kentwood, Louisiana, hometown of Britney Spears, a fact drilled into my mind from watching endless hours of Pop Up Video in 1999. But random stops in places like this make road trips the best.
I'm currently in Mississippi and avoiding Twitter because I haven't had a chance to listen to the final Serial podcast yet.
We're shooting a good friend's wedding this weekend, I'm excited to get to explore a little bit around a town I've never visited before and catch up with friends.
Here's some fun things for y'all (yes, I just typed y'all, for probably the first time ever.)
Other podcasts, for all of you looking to fill the Serial sized void in your life.
Christmas decor ideas
Work Productivity Tips...Yes, I realize it sounds really boring, but this list is full of good stuff! Mainly, it makes me feel better about some of my, seemingly odd, ways of getting work done.
RIP Mufasa- death in children's movies
The 19th century's equivalent to online dating...
"How Real is 'Homeland'?" (Teresa! Read this!)
FAIR TRADE bedding that is ORGANIC and simplistically beautiful. Someone tell Jason this is what I want for my birthday and Christmas.
Pretend snow...I know a few little ones who would like this!
Easy & useful Mason Jar DIY
and kittens. The End.
A Weekend In: Victoria, BC
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Last weekend Patrick and I woke up at the break of dawn and
boarded a boat to Victoria, BC for a little getaway weekend. Believe it or not
it was the first time that we have gotten away together without Mylo! This was
totally unintentional but to be honest I’m kicking myself for not making it
happen sooner. We are both so independent that we have had lots of time away from
Mylo individually but just haven’t made the effort to get away together. It was
sooo fun! It made us both look
even more forward to our trip to Argentina in February. I love my child but it
was very refreshing to just have Patrick and I together, like it was for the
seven years before he was born.
We stayed at the historical Empress Hotel right on the waterfront
in a very classy Victorian-style room. Most people hit the Butchart Gardens and
have "high tea" but we really just wanted to relax and take it easy so we mostly
wandered around the cute little streets, popped into shops, ate delicious food
and took in the festive décor of the city. Our one planned activity was a trip
to the Willow Stream Spa in our hotel—which both of us agreed were some of the
best treatments we've ever had.
One of the highlights in Victoria for us was
the Victoria Public Market, which is a fabulous indoor open market with great
little local restaurants, cheeses, wine, vegetables, olive oils, etc. We
wandered around in there and Patrick had “the best grilled cheese of his life”
at Salt Spring Island Cheese. We also had a great dinner at The Mint and divine brunch at Jam Cafe. We'll be back!
New Movie: While We're Young
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Have you seen the preview for the new movie While We're Young? It looks really good to me. Is it weird that I relate more to the older couple than the younger one? 30 is kind of that in-between age I guess, not a “carefree” twenty-something
but also not a full blown adult yet. Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking….
Will you see the movie? Check out the preview below, I hope it gets good reviews.
Wedding Wednesday: A Photo...
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Just a pretty picture for you today as I'm headed out to catch a flight. We're headed to Jackson Mississippi to watch good friends say I do. And take photos of course :)
Speaking of friends weddings, we just added a small gallery to our website of some photos from Andrew & Kaitlin's wedding in Santa Barbra last fall. Jason was actually the best man in this wedding! After much debate, we realized it was impossible for someone to be a good best man while simultaneously getting amazing photos of the whole day so another photographer shot the majority of the day and Jason only picked up his camera for a few minutes. You can see more of Andrew & Kaitlin here...
Seaweed from Santa...
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Yep, you read that right. Have you heard of marimos?
At a Christmas party over the weekend, I got one in a gift exchange. Although, when I first pulled the mason jar full of water out of a gift bag, the room was dark, and I was pretty sure someone had given me a dead fish!
I read the accompanying card (and managed to get to better light) and discovered that I was the proud owner of a marimo, and they are awesome!
Marimo basically means seaweed ball in Japanese. They are a technically a ball of algae that's alive and will grow up to a half of an inch per year.
These little fuzzy green balls are prized in Japan, and since they live so long, they actually will be passed down as heirlooms. They are thought to be symbols of everlasting love and to bring good luck.
I'm thrilled that they seem to be a fairly easy plant to care for (even for me!). Basically, you have to change the water every 1-2 weeks and keep it out of direct sunlight.
All in all, a super unique and interesting gift!
Image via Doodle Birdie check out their beautiful Marimo Terrariums on Etsy!
Friday Roundup
Friday, December 12, 2014
Happy Friday!! I am very excited for this weekend, Patrick and I are headed to Victoria, BC (for the first time!!). It will be our first time away from Mylo together (hard to believe) and I'm so looking forward to seeing the beautiful lights and staying at this amazing hotel. Should be very festive and relaxing. If you have any tips about Victoria, send them my way!
Hope you have fun weekend plans. Here are some links to kick us off.
Why Serial is driving you crazy....or not.
Also, if Seinfeld was Serial.
Amazing map that took me down the rabbit hole. I love looking at the 1900 version.
These curated gift boxes are GORGEOUS.
ICYMI, our royals met theirs.
Festive and delicious, I might actually try this recipe!
Incredible video.
This made me laugh. I really want a picture of Rafa in a Santa hat.
Pretty, minimal, holiday decor.
Awards season has officially begun, who got snubbed.
Hope you have fun weekend plans. Here are some links to kick us off.
Why Serial is driving you crazy....or not.
Also, if Seinfeld was Serial.
Amazing map that took me down the rabbit hole. I love looking at the 1900 version.
These curated gift boxes are GORGEOUS.
ICYMI, our royals met theirs.
Festive and delicious, I might actually try this recipe!
Incredible video.
This made me laugh. I really want a picture of Rafa in a Santa hat.
Pretty, minimal, holiday decor.
Awards season has officially begun, who got snubbed.
A Gift to Give: Uxibal for the 30/30 Project
Thursday, December 11, 2014
If you're looking for a perfect present for your sister or a friend, or perhaps a great clutch for holiday parties, here you go! The 30/30 Project teamed up with the Uxibal, (one of my favorite brands!) to bring you the Julia Clutch.
So that means, with one beautiful clutch, you're supporting the women in Guatemala who make AND giving to The 30/30 Project, who's mission is to build health care centers in areas of the world with high HIV rates.
Check it out here, along with other great gifts that support 30/30.
And don't worry, there's still plenty of time to order before the holidays!
I'll be giving a few as gifts AND carrying mine with me to a few holiday parties this month since it goes so well with my new favorite gold jumpsuit! The clutch is the perfect size to fit your phone, lip gloss and a small wallet (or a selection of cards and cash from your larger wallet as I do).
Thanks for the photos Mitchell Overton!
'tis the Season...
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
...for engagements!
Raise your hand if you know someone who just got engaged! The time between Thanksgiving and New Years is ALWAYS filled with engagements.
I LOVE this card made by my good friend Rosanna of Iron Curtain Press. I've spent a good chunk of the last week hanging around with Rosanna while in LA and my love of giving cards has been renewed.
This would be perfect to send along with my favorite gift to give a newly engaged friend, a gift certificate for a manicure! Really, it's the perfect thing as everyone will be asking to see her new ring.
Best Buddies
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Look at these two buddies! I love seeing them "playing" together. When I was pregnant we worried that Rafa wouldn't adjust well to a new baby around. I read a few websites online and when I was in the hospital just after his delivery we had my mom bring a little blanket that he had been wrapped in home so that he could smell the new baby scent and being to be introduced.
I'm not sure if that little blankie made any difference but it turns out that all of our fears were completely unfounded. I wouldn't say that Rafa is crazy about Mylo but he is so patient with him and even let's him chase him around the house when he's in the right mood. Mylo on the other hand is OBSESSED with Rafa. Just mentioning his name brings a smile to his face, even when he is in the midst of a tantrum or has just fallen down. I love watching them together, my little babes.
Myles trying to share his bottle
Friday Roundup
Friday, December 5, 2014
So you might recall that Jason and I came to Los Angles to shoot that lovely book themed wedding after Thanksgiving, well I never went home. What can I say? I'm always up for a change in scenery and changing plans on a whim!
So I'm still down in sunny/rainy California working remotely from my friend Rosanna's studio space and catching up with some of my favorite people. I definitely feel like I'm right where I'm supposed to be for the week- being inspired being around other creatives and getting to cuddle my niece and nephew.
I miss Jason, who had to go back to Seattle for work (and the cat!) but I'm having a lovely time and I'm so thankful to have a job where it's possible for me to get work done in other places :)
PS. The added bonus of hanging out at Rosanna's studio, PF Candle is in the same building. It smells AMAZING.
The 'Christmas Story' cameo in 'Elf'' and other little known facts about the movie.
American malls circa 1989...super interesting photos!
Incase you're in the market for an ugly Christmas sweater...OR for fancier parties, shedding some light on dress codes.
The Hipster Business Name Generator had me laughing for 10 minutes straight.
I felt right on trend when Teresa sent me this article on Pantone's color of the year for 2015 and it happened to be the exact color of shirt I was wearing!
Would you have a black & gold ombré tree?
Running can reduce aging? Why didn't anyone tell me this sooner?!?
Before "babe" was used romantically, you might have been someone's "flutter-mouse"
Don't forget to check out the 30/30 Project gift line for your holiday shopping needs, the t-shirts are going fast! The clutches are my favorite, perfect for a gift or to take to a holiday party :)
Holiday Nail Art
Thursday, December 4, 2014
So I got a manicure yesterday for the holidays (above!) and I went a little wild by adding one fingernail of glitter to each hand. I've never done this before but I keep seeing it around town and I thought it would add a little cheer to my normal paint...and I love it! I might get even more brave and go for something bold like the nail art below by Black Magic Nails at Bang Salon on Capitol Hill. What do you think?? I love the long pointy style that is in right now but I know I would get a lot of comments.
Wedding Wednesday: Books!
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Cures for the Winter Blues: Pride and Prejudice!
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
It has been downright frigid here in Seattle and the winter blues are setting in. I have been trying to think of fun wintery activities to keep me positive, cue the "Cures for the Winter Blues" series. I'd love any recommendations that you all have as well, I know we can all use some fresh ideas to get through these dark months.
Do you have movies or series that you watch annually at a certain time of year? Jenny and I always watch Little Women during the holidays, it's a fun tradition and a wonderful movie (young Christian Bale, swoon). This November I watched all six hours of the 1995 BBC Pride and Prejudice miniseries staring Colin Firth in all his glory as Mr. Darcy. It was wonderful. I watched it via Amazon Prime so I had available on my phone, TV and computer and watched it in little pieces at the gym, in the evenings, and whenever I had a free moment. Perpetually sunny and summer-like, cheerful-movie-rural-England is a lovely place to escape to on these winter days.
After I finished I went down the internet Pride and Prejudice rabbit-hole and discovered that there is a new BBC two-part movie called Death Comes to Pemberley which just showed on Masterpiece and I'm dying to watch. It is a murder mystery that takes place after Elizabeth Bennett and Darcy are married and settled at Pemberley and looks very entertaining. It stars two of my favorite TV actors, Matthew Goode (The Good Wife) as Wickham and Matthew Rhys (The Americans) as Darcy.
PS. More P&P adaptations, ranked.
Also, just because we all need a winter-smile, Darcy in the lake:
What Gets You in the Holiday Spirit?
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Where did this Jenny go? I'm not sure! The tree is definitely not up yet this year. Instead, I'm struggling to find inspiration to get one at all.
This usually is my favorite time of the year but somehow this time around, I'm just not feeling it. Last year at this time, I was living on a bus somewhere in the middle of the country and couldn't wait to get home and bake some Christmas cookies. This year, I want to pretend like it's still September.
How about some a shimmying Hugh Grant to get me in the mood for Christmas?

Even though I'm not running out to chop down a tree quite yet, at least it put a smile on my face and made me feel like cuddling up to watch some Christmas movies and maybe start listening to some Christmas music.
Here's the full clip if you're in the mood...
What gets you in the holiday spirit?
World AIDS Day
Monday, December 1, 2014
Today is World AIDS Day...
Just for fun, a's a photo of Teresa and I along with a few friends WAY back in 2005, in a march to Parliament in Cape Town, South Africa protesting the lack of availability of Antiretrovirals.
What can you do?
Here's an update from the 30/30 Project...
Consider joining Teresa and I in supporting the 30/30 Project, also check out the holiday gift line.
Apple is donating a portion of it's sales to (RED) today.
If you'd like to learn more...
Time has a piece on the history of HIV/AIDS
7 Facts
Check out Prince Harry's video in support
"Closing the gap in prevention and treatment"
and here's something from Teresa's brother, Ryan Lewis...
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