I've mentioned, my obsession with online clothing subscriptions continues to grow. This week featuring....
Le Tote!! Let me start by saying that this is my favorite clothing subscription yet.... better than Stitch Fix, Trendsend, Trunk Club, Birchbox, etc. etc. So that's saying something!!
The clothes are not the most trendy (nor the most expensive), they are good quality but not high end, and I'd love to see some more fashion forward is by far the most economical of the options I've tried and instead of having to keep the clothes you have the option to RENT. Which is absolutely fabulous for us pregnant ladies!

The basics are that you pay a monthly subscription fee to get unlimited boxes of clothes and accessories to wear and then either keep or wear and then send back. You have a "closet" of clothing that you pick out online, so instead of just giving them your style profile, you get to actually choose some of the items you may receive AND you get a final approval before the box comes in which you can switch out items. I just got my second box in the mail (see above) and I love everything in it. Their jewelry is actually very fashion forward and I think I'll get a ton of use out of the simply black maternity dress, red skirt, black sweater and maternity jeans they sent me. And the best part is if I absolutely love something their prices are much more reasonable than other services I've tried.
Sold yet?? Use
this link for $25 off your first box. Happy shopping!