My sister, Stephanie, is throwing a bridal shower for a good friend in a few weeks. In looking for decor ideas she came across a few DIY mercury glass projects on pinterest and decided to give it a go.
After checking out a few different tutorials, she chose to go with this one from 17 Apart. This is a super easy thing to do! And a really cheap option for getting some classy decorations fast for a party, or even a wedding.
Stephanie picked up some glass votives from Goodwill and then we grabbed some random glass bottles and jars out of my pantry and went for it.Basically, you mist the glass with a mixture of water and vinegar then spray it with Krylon Looking Glass Spray Paint
After you spray it, you wait a minute (or a few seconds, if you're impatient like us) and then blot with a paper towel. That'll take off the paint that has been sprayed over the areas dotted with your water/vinegar mixture, giving you the mercury glass look.
Repeat a few times, to get the desired effect, and there you have it, faux mercury glass!
Impressive project and shower favor! Where did you two learn to be so creative? Nicely photographed too. Easy to follow directions, too hard and noxious for 4th graders?